
Beppe Loda -Obscure Cuts 3 – Italian Electronic Dance

September 12, 2016 0 Comments

The name Beppe Loda always lightens up a sense of nostalgia in me, and I suddenly start thinking about the early days of afro and disco music in Italy, with youngsters riding their Vespas or Renault 4 across the Pianura Padana to reach mythological discos such as Cosmic or Typhoon.

The tracks in “Obscure Cuts 3: Italian Electronic Dance” seem to come straight from that golden era.

Linea Verde sounds like kosmische musik on speed while Linda’s Body is a pure arpeggiator run in Giorgio Moroder’s style.

The real killer track is Joe, a pure old school afro tune with electric guitars, phased synthesizers and brass that could sound even more hypnotic if slowed down a bit.

You can listen to the snippets on Soundcloud clicking below:

and then get your copy here.


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